Defining NLME models in Pumas

We provide two model types, the PumasModel and the PumasEMModel. The PumasModel provides great flexibility, allowing a wide array of random effects distributions and error models and the best support for different approximation methods, missing only SAEM. The PumasEMModel is more structured, supporting just a subjset of the models expressible by a PumasModel, but uses this structure to enable the optimizations required to make SAEM efficient.

The PumamEMModel has one interface, a macro based domain-specific language (DSL), while the PumasModel provides two interfaces: a DSL and a function-based macro-free approach. For the PumasModel, in most instances, the DSL is appropriate to use, but for advanced users, the functional interface might be useful.

The @model macro interface

The simplest way to define an NLME model in Julia is to use the @model macro. We can define the simplest model of them all, the empty model, as follows

@model begin


This creates a model with no parameters, no covariates, no dynamics, ..., nothing! To populate the model, we need to include one of the possible model blocks. The possible blocks are:

  • @param, fixed effects specifications
  • @random, random effects specifications
  • @covariates, covariate names
  • @pre, pre-processing variables for the dynamic system and statistical specification
  • @dosecontrol, specification of any dose control parameters present in the model
  • @vars, shorthand notation
  • @init, initial conditions for the dynamic system
  • @dynamics, dynamics of the model
  • @derived, statistical modeling of dependent variables
  • @observed, model information to be stored in the model solution

The definitions in these blocks are generally only available in the blocks further down the list.

@param: Population parameters

The population parameters are specified in the @param block. In a PumasModel, variables that enter the model can either be defined in terms of the domain they come from or their distribution if they're random variables. Variables defined by their domain are specified by an in (or ∈, written via \in) statement that connects a parameter name and a domain, and random variables are specified by an ~ statement that connects a name with a distribution. For example, to specify θ as a real scalar in a model, one would write:

@model begin
  @param begin
    θ ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.0, upper=17.0)

# output

  Parameters: θ
  Random effects:
  Dynamical variables:

which creates a model with a parameter that has a lower and upper bound on the allowed values.


Pumas.jl does not expect specific names for parameters, dependent variables, and so on. This means that fixed effects do not have to be called θ, random effects don't have to be called η, variability (variance-covariance) matrices for random effects don't have to be called Ω, and so on Pick whatever is natural for your context.

Different domains are available for different purposes. Their names and purposes are

  • RealDomain for scalar parameters
  • VectorDomain for vectors
  • PDiagDomain for positive definite matrices with diagonal structure
  • PSDDomain for general positive semi-definite matrices

Different domains can be used when we want to have our parameters be scalars or vectors (RealDomain vs VectorDomain) or have certain properties (PDiagDomain and PSDDomain). The simplest way of specifying amodel is in terms of all scalar parameters

@model begin
  @param begin
    θCL ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.001, upper=50.0)
    θV  ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.001, upper=500.0)
    ω²η ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.001, upper=20.0)

# output

  Parameters: θCL, θV, ω²η
  Random effects:
  Dynamical variables:

where we have defined a separate variable for population clearance and volume as well as the variance of a scalar (univariate) random effect. The same model could be written using vectors and matrix type domains using something like the following

@model begin
  @param begin
    θ  ∈ VectorDomain(2, lower=[0.001, 0.001], upper=[50.0, 500.0])
    Ωη ∈ PDiagDomain(1) # no lower or upper keywords!

# output
  Parameters: θ, Ωη
  Random effects:
  Dynamical variables:

Notice, that we collapsed the two parameters θCL and θV into a single vector θ, and if we want to use the elements in the model you will have to use indexing θ[1] for θCL and θ[2] for θV. It is also necessary to specify the dimension of the vector which is two in this case. The PDiagDomain domain type is special. It makes Ωη have the interpretation of a matrix type, specifically a diagonal matrix. Additionally, it tells Pumas that when fiting the multivariate parameter should be kept positive definite. The obvious use case here is variance-covariance matrices, and specifically it's useful for random effect vectors where each random effect is independent of the other. We will get back to this below.

Finally, we have the PSDDomain. This is different from PDiagDomain mainly by representing a "full" variance-covariance matrix. This means that one random effect can correlate with other random effects.

@model begin
  @param begin
    θ ∈ VectorDomain(2, lower=[0.001, 0.001], upper=[50.0, 500.0])
    Ωη ∈ PSDDomain(1) # no lower upper!

# output

  Parameters: θ, Ωη
  Random effects:
  Dynamical variables:

Besides actual domains, it is possible to define parameters in terms of their priors. A model with a parameter that has a multivariate normal (MvNormal) prior can be defined as:

μ_prior = [0.1, 0.3]
Σ_prior = [1.0 0.1
           0.1 3.0]
@model begin
  @param begin
    θ ~ MvNormal(μ_prior, Σ_prior)

# output

  Parameters: θ
  Random effects:
  Dynamical variables:

A prior can be wrapped in a Constrained(prior; lower=lv, upper=uv) to constrain values to be between lv and uv. See ?Constrained for more details.


Many of the NLME model definition portions require the specification of probability distributions. The distributions in Pumas are generally defined by the Distributions.jl library. All of the Distributions.jl Distribution types are able to be used throughout the Pumas model definitions. Multivariate domains defines values which are vectors while univariate domains define values which are scalars. For the full documentation of the Distribution types, please see the Distributions.jl documentation

@random: Random effects

The novelty of the NLME approach comes from the individual variability. We just saw that @param was used to specify fixed effects. The appropriate block for specifying random effects is simply called @random. In a PumasModel, the parameters specified in this block can be scalar or vectors just as fixed parameters, but they will always be defined by the distribution they are assumed to follow.

The parameters of a PumasModel are defined by a ~ (read: distributed as) expression:

@model begin
  @param begin
    ωη ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.0001)
  @random begin
    η ~ Normal(0, ωη)

# output

  Parameters: ωη
  Random effects: η
  Dynamical variables:

We see that we defined a variability parameter ωη to parameterize the standard deviation of the univariate Normal distribution of the η. We put a lower bound of 0.0001 because a standard deviation cannot be negative, and a standard deviation of exactly zero would lead to a degenerate distribution. We always advise putting bounds on variables whenever possible. We also advise using the unicode ² (\^2 + Tab) to show that it's a variance, though this is optional. The Normal distribution Distributions.jl requires two positional arguments: the mean (here: 0) and the standard deviation (here: the square root of our variance). For more details type ?Normal in the REPL.

Non-Gaussian random effects can also be defined as such:

@model begin
  @param begin
    α ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.0001)
    β ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.0001)
  @random begin
    η ~ Beta(α, β)

# output

  Parameters: α, β
  Random effects: η
  Dynamical variables:

The following are all the continuous univariate distributions available for use in a PumasModel's @random block. For more details on any distribution, type ? in the REPL followed by the distribution name, e.g. ?Beta.

It is, of course, possible to have as many univariate random effects as you want:

@model begin
  @param begin
    ωη ∈ VectorDomain(3, lower=0.0001)
  @random begin
    η1 ~ Normal(0, sqrt(ωη[1]))
    η2 ~ Normal(0, sqrt(ωη[2]))
    η3 ~ Normal(0, sqrt(ωη[3]))

# output

  Parameters: ωη
  Random effects: η1, η2, η3
  Dynamical variables:

Notice the use of indexing into the ωη parameter that is now a vector. Other ways of parameterizing random effects include vector (multivariate) distributions:

@model begin
  @param begin
    ωη ∈ VectorDomain(3, lower=0.0001)
  @random begin
    η ~ MvNormal(sqrt.(ωη))

# output

  Parameters: ωη
  Random effects: η
  Dynamical variables:

where η will have a diagonal variance-covariance structure because we input a vector of standard deviations. This can also be achieved using the PDiagDomain as we saw earlier and then we don't have to worry about the lower keyword

@model begin
  @param begin
    Ωη ∈ PDiagDomain(3)
  @random begin
    η ~ MvNormal(Ωη)

# output

  Parameters: Ωη
  Random effects: η
  Dynamical variables:

Do notice that Ωη is not to be considered a vector here, but an actual diagonal matrix, so Ωη is now the (diagonal) variance-covariance matrix, not a vector of standard deviations. The @random block is the same if we allow full covariance structure:

@model begin
  @param begin
    Ωη ∈ PSDDomain(3)
  @random begin
    η ~ MvNormal(Ωη)

# output

  Parameters: Ωη
  Random effects: η
  Dynamical variables:

For cases where you have several random effects with the exact same distribution, such as between-occasion-variability (BOV), it is convenient to construct a single vector η that has diagonal variance-covariance structure with identical variances down the diagonal. This can be achieved using a special constructor that takes in the dimension and the standard deviation

@model begin
  @param begin
    ω²η ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.0001)
  @random begin
    η ~ MvNormal(4, sqrt(ω²η))

# output

  Parameters: ω²η
  Random effects: η
  Dynamical variables:

You could use four scalar η's as shown above, but for BOV it is useful to encode the occasions using integers 1, 2, 3, ..., N and simply index into η using η[OCC] where OCC is the occasion covariate.


In the context of estimation using the fit function all variables must come from a univariate or multivariate normal distribution. Other distributions can be specified when solving or simulating the model.


The covariates in the remaining model blocks have to be specified in the @covariates block. This information is used to generate efficient code for expanding covariate information from each subject when solving the model or evaluating likelihood contributions from observations. The format is simply to either use a one-liner

@model begin
  @covariates weight age OCC

# output

  Random effects:
  Covariates: weight, age, OCC
  Dynamical variables:

or as a block

@model begin
  @covariates begin

# output

  Random effects:
  Covariates: weight, age, OCC
  Dynamical variables:

The block form is mostly useful if there a lot of covariates. Otherwise, the one-liner is preferred.

@pre: Pre-processing of input to dynamics and derived

Before we move to the actual dynamics of the model (if there are any) and the statistical model of the observed variables we need to do some preprocessing of parameters and covariates to get our rates and variables ready for our ODEs or distributions. This is done in the @pre block.

In the @pre block all calculations are written as if they happen at some arbitrary point in time t. Let us see an example

@model begin
  # Fixed parameters
  @param begin
    θCL ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.0001, upper=20.0)
    θV  ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.0001, upper=91.0)
    θbioav ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.0001, upper=1.0)
    ω²η ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.0001)

  # Random parameters
  @random begin
    η ~ MvNormal(4, sqrt(ω²η))

  # Covariate enumeration
  @covariates weight age OCC

  # Preprocessing of input to dynamics and derived
  @pre begin
    CL = θCL*sqrt(weight)/age + η[OCC]
    V = θV*sin(t)

We see that when we assign the right-hand side to CL, it involves weight, age and occasion counter, OCC. These might all be recorded as time-varying, especially the last one. The first line of @pre then means that whenever CL is referenced in the dynamic model or in the statistical model it will have been calculated with the covariates evaluated at the appropriate time. The next line that defines the volume of distribution, V, shows this by explicitly using t (a reserved keyword) to model V as something that varies with time.


Only variables explicitly defined in pre can be used in the @dynamics block below. This means that even parameters that require no further pre-processing before they're using in the model will have to be assigned a name in @pre. For example, the following example is the appropriate way to specify a parameter V that is going to be used in the model:

@model begin
  @param begin
    θV ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.0001, upper=91.0)

  @pre begin
    V = θV

If you ommit the definition of V and try to use θV directly in the model, you will get an error.

@dosecontrol: Dose Control Parameters

@dosecontrol begin
  bioav = (Depot=θbioav, Central=0.4)

The @dosecontrol block controls the dose control parameters (DCPs) of the model. The line sets bioavailability for a Depot compartment to a parameter in our model θbioav, and bioavailability of another compartment Central to a fixed value of 0.4. If a compartment is not mentioned in the NamedTuple it will be set to 1.0. Other DCPs are: lags, rate, and duration. For more information on these parameters, see the Dose Control Parameters (DCP) page.

The @dosecontrol block does not share computations with @pre. The available variables are the same as in @pre. These are those defined in @param, @random, @covariates, the current time t, and events of the subject.


The dose control parameters are entered as NamedTuples. If a DCP is just set for one-compartment to have the rest default to 1.0 it is a common mistake to write rate = (Depot=θ) instead of rate = (Depot=θbioav,). Notice the trailing , in the second expression which is required to construct a NamedTuple in Julia.

@vars: Short-hand notation

Suppose we have a model with a dynamic variable Central and a volume of distribution V. You can define short-hand notation for the implied plasma concentration to be used elsewhere in the model in @vars:

@model begin
  @vars begin
    conc = Central/V

While some users find @vars useful we advise users to use it with caution. Short-hand notation involving dynamic variables might make the @dynamics block harder to read. Short-hand notation that doesn't not involve dynamic variables should rather just be specified in @pre. @vars is specific to PumasModels.

@init: Initializing the dynamic system

This block defines the initial conditions of the dynamical model in terms of the parameters, random effects, and pre-processed variables. It is defined by a series of equality (=) statements. For example, to set the initial condition of the Response dynamical variable to be the value of the 5th term of the parameter θ, we would use the syntax:

@model begin
  @param begin
    θ ∈ VectorDomain(3, lower=[0.0,0.0,1.0], upper=[3.0,1.0,4.0])
  @init begin
    Depot = θ[2]

Any variable omitted from this block is given the default initial condition of 0. If the block is omitted, then all dynamical variables are initialized at 0.

Note that the special value := can be used to define intermediate statements that will not be carried outside of the block.

@dynamics: The dynamic model

The @dynamics block defines the nonlinear function from the parameters to the derived variables via a dynamical (differential equation) model. It can currently be specified either by an analytical solution type, an ordinary differential equation (ODE) or a combination of the two (for more types of differential equations, please see the function-based interface).

The analytical solutions are defined in the Dynamical Problem Types page and can be invoked via the name. For example,

@model begin
  @param begin
    θCL ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.001, upper=10.0)
    θVc ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.001, upper=10.0)

  @pre begin
    CL = θCL
    Vc = θVc

  @dynamics Central1

defines the dynamical model as the one compartment model Central1 represents. The model has two required parameters: CL and Vc. These have to be defined in @pre when this model is used. All models with analytical solutions have the required parameters listed in their docstring which can be seen by typing ?Central1 in the REPL. Alternatively, it is listed in the documentation on the Analytical Problems page.

For a system of ODEs that has to be numerically solved, the dynamical variables are defined by their derivative expression. A derivative expression is given by a variable's derivative (specified by ') and an equality (=). For example, the following defines a model equivalent to the model above:

@model begin
  @param begin
    θCL ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.001, upper=10.0)
    θVc ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.001, upper=10.0)

  @pre begin
    CL = θCL
    Vc = θVc

  @dynamics begin
    Central' = -CL/Vc*Central

Variable aliases defined in the @vars are accessible in this block. Additionally, the variable t is reserved for the solver time if you want to use something like sin(t) in your model formulation.

Note that any Julia function defined outside of the @model block can be invoked in the @dynamics block.

@reactions: The dynamics model in chemical arrow notation

The @reactions block is a stand-in replacement for the @dynamics block, and the two serve the same purpose. However, in the @reactions block, the modeled interactions are represented through a chemical arrow notation. For example, (k_f, k_b), A + B <--> C represents the association and dissociation between A and B to form the complex C at forward rate k_f and backward rate k_b. The equivalent ODE representation would be

\[\begin{align*} \frac{dA(t)}{dt} =& r_{b} \cdot C(t) - r_{f} \cdot A(t) \cdot B(t) \\ \frac{dB(t)}{dt} =& r_{b} \cdot C(t) - r_{f} \cdot A(t) \cdot B(t) \\ \frac{dC(t)}{dt} =& - r_{b} \cdot C(t) + r_{f} \cdot A(t) \cdot B(t) \end{align*}\]

A simple two-compartment model could be implemented using the @reactions block via:

model = @model begin
  @param begin
    tvcl ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.)
    tvv  ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.)
    tvka ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.)

  @pre begin
    CL = tvcl
    Vc = tvv
    Ka = tvka
  @reactions begin
    Ka, Depot --> Central
    CL/Vc, Central --> 0

The resulting dynamics can be latexified and rendered as described in Model Representation.

using Latexify
latexify(model, :reactions)

\begin{align*} \frac{dDepot(t)}{dt} =& - Ka \cdot Depot(t) \\ \frac{dCentral(t)}{dt} =& Ka \cdot Depot(t) - \frac{CL \cdot Central(t)}{Vc} \end{align*}

latexify(model, :reactions; arrow=true)

\begin{align*} \ce{ Depot &->[Ka] Central}\\ \ce{ Central &->[CL \cdot \mathrm{inv}\left( Vc \right)] \varnothing} \end{align*}

The syntax for the arrow notation could be described as rates, reactants arrow products.

  • arrow determines the type of reaction modeled. The most commonly used arrows are --> and <--> for uni- and bi-directional mass action reactions, respectively.
  • reactants and products are essentially what you had before and what you will have after the reaction. Zero denotes the empty set and allows you to create products out of nothing (0 --> A) or to degrade reactants into nothing (A --> 0).
  • rates describe the rates at which an interaction occurs. If the same expression represents more than one actual reaction (like the association and dissociation in the above example), then rates should be a tuple with one rate for each such reaction. The rates are often parameters, as defined in the @pre block, but could also be more complicated expressions involving both parameters and variables. For example, A could activate the production of B via a Michaelis-Menten function through v * A / (k + A), 0 --> B.

The parsing and interpretation of this syntax is done by Catalyst.jl and the documentation of their DSL contains further information on how you can specify your reactions.

The main benefit of the @reactions syntax is that you can let one interaction be described in one line of code. In the common system-of-equations representation, you would often have that a single reaction gives rise to terms in multiple different equations. When you wish to modify such a reaction, you must then be careful to modify all the terms related to this reaction correctly lest your model might still run but give you an incorrect result. This mental bookkeeping that we have to do is not very burdensome in the small demos we have here but can pose real problems in larger models. The @reactions syntax may then help to keep your models nice and tidy.

@derived: Statistical modeling of observed variables in a PumasModel

This block is used to specify the assumed distributions of observed variables that are derived from the blocks above in a PumasModel. All variables are referred to as the subject's observation times which means they are vectors. This means we have to use "dot calls" on functions of dynamic variables, parameters, variables from @pre, etc.

@model begin
  @param begin
    θCL ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.001, upper=10.0)
    θVc ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.001, upper=10.0)
    ωη ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.001, upper=20.0)

  @pre begin
    CL = θCL
    Vc = θVc

  @dynamics begin
    Central' = -CL/Vc*Central

  @derived begin
    cp := @. Central/Vc
    dv ~ @. Normal(cp, ωη)

We define cp (concentration in plasma) using := which means that the variable cp will not be stored in the output you get when evaluating the model's @derived block. In many cases it is easier to simply write it out like this:

@derived begin
  dv ~ @. Normal(Central/Vc, ωη)

This will be slightly faster. However, sometimes it might be helpful to use := for intermediary calculations in complicated expressions. An example is the proportional error model:

@model begin
  @param begin
    θCL ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.001, upper=10.0)
    θVc ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.001, upper=10.0)
    ωη_add ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.001, upper=20.0)
    ωη_prop ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.001, upper=20.0)

  @pre begin
    CL = θCL
    Vc = θVc

  @dynamics begin
    Central' = -CL/Vc*Central

  @derived begin
    cp := @. Central/Vc
    dv ~ @. Normal(cp, sqrt(ωη_add^2 + (cp*ωη_prop)^2))

Where we take advantage of the := line to only calculate the concentration once.

@observed: Sampled observations

If you wish to store some information from the model solution or calculate a variable based on the model solutions and parameters that has nothing to do with the statistical modeling it is useful to define these variables in the @observed block. A simple example could be that you want to store a scaled plasma concentration. This could be written like the following:

@model begin
  @param begin
    θCL ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.001, upper=10.0)
    θVc ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.001, upper=10.0)
    ω²η ∈ RealDomain(lower=0.001, upper=20.0)

  @pre begin
    CL = θCL
    Vc = θVc

  @dynamics begin
    Central' = -CL/Vc*Central

  @observed begin
    cp1000 = @. 1000*Central/Vc

which will cause functions like simobs to store the simulated plasma concentration multiplied by a thousand.

This block is PumasModel-only.

@metadata and Descriptions

Additional details related to a PumasModel can be included in an optional @metadata block. These take the form of key/value pairs defined with = as follows where that values can take on <:Any value.

@model begin
  @metadata begin
    desc = "A short description of the model."
    timeu = u"hr"

In the above example a textual description of the model is provided by the desc key. It must be written in plaintext and should preferably not take up more than a single line. The timeu key is assigned a Unitful value to describe the units used in the model. At present desc and timeu are the only metadata keys that are used.

In addition to the @metadata block, individual parameters, covariates, and any other named components within your models can include a short "docstring" to help readers better understand the purpose of each name. They can be added to your models in the same manner as normal docstrings used to document functions and types in normal Julia code. For example:

@model begin
  @param begin
    "Clerance (L/hr)"
    tvcl ∈ RealDomain(lower = 0, init = 3.2)
    "Volume (L)"
    tvv  ∈ RealDomain(lower = 0, init = 16.4)
    "Absorption rate constant (h-1)"
    tvka ∈ RealDomain(lower = 0, init = 3.8)
    tvbio ∈ RealDomain(lower = 0, init=0.7)
      - ΩCL
      - ΩVc
      - ΩKa
    Ω ∈ PDiagDomain(init = [0.04,0.04,0.04, 0.04])
    "Proportional RUV"
    σ_p ∈ RealDomain(lower = 0.0001, init = 0.2)
  @random begin
    η ~ MvNormal(Ω)
  @covariates begin
    "0  PO, 1 IV"
    "Body Weight (kg)"
    "Age (years)"
  @pre begin
    CL = tvcl * exp(η[1])
    Vc = tvv * exp(η[2])
    Ka = tvka * exp(η[3])
  @dosecontrol begin
    bioav = (Depot = tvbio * exp(η[4]),)
  @dynamics Depots1Central1
  @derived begin
    cp := @. Central/Vc
    "CTMx Concentrations (ng/mL)"
    dv ~ @. Normal(cp, cp*σ_p)

For any non-RealDomain parameters you must provide a description for each element in the form of a list of descriptions, such as used to describe Ω ∈ PDiagDomain in the example above.

Always keep descriptions reasonably short, but still clear. They are used within plot labels, which have limited space available, to provide additional details.

The PumasModel Function-Based Interface

The PumasModel function-based interface for defining an NLME model is the most expressive mechanism for using Pumas and directly utilizes Julia types and functions. In fact, under the hood, the @model DSL works by building an expression for the PumasModel interface! A PumasModel has the constructor:

  observed=(col, sol, obstimes, subject, param, random, samples)->samples);

Notice that the observed function as well as the metadata and desc keywords are optional.

This section describes the API of the functions which make up the PumasModel type. The structure closely follows that of the @model macro but is more directly Julia syntax. Only observed is optional as opposed to the DSL where we could omit certain blocks and have Pumas automatically fill in blank objects for us.

The paramset ParamSet

The value paramset is a ParamSet object which takes in a named tuple of Domain or distribution types. The allowed types are defined and explained on the Domains page. For example, the following is a valid ParamSet construction:

paramset = ParamSet((θ = VectorDomain(4, lower=zeros(4)), # parameters
              Ω = PSDDomain(2),
              Σ = RealDomain(lower=0.0)))

# output

ParamSet{NamedTuple{(:θ, :Ω, :Σ), Tuple{VectorDomain{Vector{Float64}, Vector{TransformVariables.Infinity{true}}, Vector{Float64}}, PSDDomain{Matrix{Float64}}, RealDomain{Float64, TransformVariables.Infinity{true}, Float64}}}}((θ = VectorDomain{Vector{Float64}, Vector{TransformVariables.Infinity{true}}, Vector{Float64}}([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [TransformVariables.Infinity{true}(), TransformVariables.Infinity{true}(), TransformVariables.Infinity{true}(), TransformVariables.Infinity{true}()], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]), Ω = PSDDomain{Matrix{Float64}}([1.0 0.0; 0.0 1.0]), Σ = RealDomain{Float64, TransformVariables.Infinity{true}, Float64}(0.0, TransformVariables.Infinity{true}(), 1.0)))

The random Function

The random(param) function is a function of the parameters. It takes in the values from the param input named tuple and outputs a ParamSet for the random effects. For example:

function random(p)

is a valid random function.

The pre Function

The pre function takes in the param named tuple, the sampled randeffs named tuple, and the subject data and defines the named tuple of the collated preprocessed dynamical parameters. For example, the following is a valid definition of the pre function:

function pre(param,randeffs,subject)
  function pre_t(t)
    cov_t = subject.covariates(t)
    CL = param.θ[2] * ((cov_t.wt/70)^0.75) * (param.θ[4]^ * exp(randeffs.η[1])
    return (Ka=param.θ[1], CL=CL, Vc=param.θ[3] * exp(randeffs.η[2]))

Such that it spits out something that can be called with a point in time t and returns the pre-processed variables at that time. Notice that the covariates are found as a function of t in the subject.covariates field.

The dosecontrol Function

The dosecontrol function takes in the param named tuple, the sampled randeffs named tuple, and the subject data and defines the named tuple of the dose control parameters. For example, the following is a valid definition of the dosecontrol function:

function dosecontrol(param,randeffs,subject)
  function dosecontrol_t(t)
    return (bioav=(Depot=1.0, Central=param.θbioav), lags=(Depot=1.0, Central=0.3))

Such that it spits out something that can be called with a point in time t and returns the dose control parameters at that time. If no dose control parameters are present in the model a valid function is simply

dosecontrol(param,randeffs,subject) = t -> NamedTuple()

That is, a function that returns a function that always just returns the empty NamedTuple.

The init Function

The init function defines the initial conditions of the dynamical variables from the pre-processed values col and the initial time point t0. Note that this follows the DifferentialEquations.jl convention, in that the initial value type defines the type for the state used in the evolution equation.

For example, the following defines the initial condition to be a vector of two zeros:

function init(col,t0)

The prob DEProblem

The prob is a DEProblem defined by DifferentialEquations.jl. It can be any DEProblem, and the choice of DEProblem specifies the type of dynamical model. For example, if prob is an SDEProblem, then the NLME will be defined via a stochastic differential equation, and if prob is a DDEProblem, then the NLME will be defined via a delay differential equation. For details on defining a DEProblem, please consult the DifferentialEquations.jl documentation.

Note that the timespan, initial condition, and parameters are sentinels that will be overridden in the simulation pipeline. Thus, for example, we can define prob as an ODEProblem omitting these values as follows:

function onecompartment_f(du,u,pre_t,t)
    p = pre_t(t)
    du[1] = -p.Ka*u[1]
    du[2] =  p.Ka*u[1] - (p.CL/p.Vc)*u[2]
prob = ODEProblem(onecompartment_f,nothing,nothing,nothing)

Notice that the parameters of the differential equation p are the result of the function pre_t evaluated at time t. pre_t was returned by pre above.

The derived Function

The derived function takes in the collated preprocessed values col, the DESolution to the differential equation sol, the obstimes set during the simulation and estimation, the full subject data, the parameters param and the random efffects random. The output can be any Julia type on which map(f,x) is defined (the map is utilized for the subsequent sampling of the error models). For example, the following is a valid derived function which outputs a named tuple:

function derived(col, sol, obstimes, subject, param, random)
    Vc = map(t->col(t).Vc, obstimes)
    central = sol(obstimes;idxs=2)
    conc = @. central / col.Vc
    dv = @. Normal(conc, conc*param.Σ)

Note that probability distributions in the output have a special meaning in maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimation, and are automatically sampled to become observation values during simulation.

The observed Function

The observed function takes in the collated preprocessed values col, the DESolution sol, the obstimes, the full subject data, the parameters param, the random effects random, and the sampled derived values samples. The output value is the simulation output. It can be any Julia type. For example, the following is a valid observed function:

function observed(col, sol, obstimes, subject, param, random, samples)
    (obs_cmax = maximum(samples.dv),
     T_max = maximum(obstimes),
     dv = samples.dv)

Note that if the observed function is not given to the PumasModel constructor, the default function (col, sol, obstimes, subject, param, random, samples)->samples which passes through the sampled derived values is used.

metadata and desc keywords

These keywords allow for assigning descriptions and metadata (see @metadata and Descriptions above) to models defined using the functional PumasModel interface. desc must be a dictionary of Symbol and String pairs that describe any of the model's parameters, covariates, etc. metadata must be a dictionary of Symbol and Any pairs.

  metadata = Dict(
    :desc => "A short description of the model.",
    :timeu => u"hr",
  desc = Dict(
    :tvcl => "Clerance (L/hr)",
    :tvv => "Volume (L)",
    :tvka => "Absorption rate constant (h-1)",
    :tvbio => "Bioavailability",

The @emmodel macro interface

The PumasEMModel requires at least two blocks: an @error block describing the error model, and either an @param or @random block. An example minimal PumasEMModel is as follows:

@emmodel begin
    @random begin
        p ~ 1 | LogitNormal
    @error begin
        y ~ Bernoulli(p)

The possible blocks are:

  • @param and @random: Defines fixed and random effects, e.g.
@random begin
    CL     ~ 1 + wt |   LogNormal
    θbioav ~ 1      | LogitNormal

Distributions specify the parameter's support. Only Normal (-∞,∞) LogNormal (0,∞), and LogitNormal (0,1) are currently supported.

These define 1 unconstrained parameter per term in the formula, for example CL = exp(μ + wt * β + η) where μ, β ∈ (-∞,∞) and wt is a covariate constant with respect to time. η is a random effect. The @param block is equivalent, with the exception that there is no random effect η. These variables are accessible in @pre, @dosecontrol, @dynamics, @post, and @error blocks.

  • @param: Defines population parameters without a random component.
  • @random: Defines population parameters with a random component.
  • @covariance: Defines size of the diagonal blocks of the covariance of the random effects.
  • @covariates: Covariates available in the @pre, @dosecontrol, @dynamics, and @post blocks.
  • @pre: Block evaluated before the @dynamics.
  • @dosecontrol: Block specifying dose control parameters. Function of @param and @random variables only.
  • @init: return initial conditions for dynamical variables.
  • @dynamics: Dynamics, equivalent to the functionality in the @model macro.
  • @post: Block evalauted after the @dynamics and before the @error.
  • @error: Block describing the error model. Dispersion parameters are implicit. Y ~ ProportionalNormal(μ) indicates that Y has a Normal distribution with mean μ. Y must be observed subject data, while μ can can be defined in the @param, @random, @pre, @dynamics, or @post blocks.

The @param and @random blocks differ between the PumasModel and PumasEMModel DSLs, while while @vars and @observed are PumasModel-only and @post and @error are PumasEMMOdel-only.

@param: Population parameters

The @param block of a PumasEMModel defined with @emmodel has a different syntax from the @param block of a PumasModel defined with @model. For a PumasEMModel, domains are specified by a distribution with matching support: Normal for the reals, LogNormal for positive reals, and LogitNormal for those restricted to the unit interval. Only scalar distributions are supported. See the model components documentation for more details. For example, to specify θ ∈ (0,17):

@emmodel begin
  @param begin
    unitθ ~ 1 | LogitNormal
  @pre begin
    θ = 17*unitθ
  @error begin # `@error` block is mandatory for PumasEMModels
    y ~ Normal(θ)

# output

 Parameters without random effects: 
	unitθ ~ (1,) | LogitNormal

Unlike in a PumasModel, variables defined in the @param block are available in the @dynamics, @post, and @error blocks.


While more complicated transforms such as the PSDomain aren't supported, they could be applied manually in the @pre block. However, because the Ω parameters are implicit, this is better handled in the @covariance block.

@random: Random effects

In a PumasEMModel, the @random block uses the same syntax as the @param block, and is also restricted to only the Normal, LogNormal, and LogitNormal distributions. The covariance matrix of the random effects, Ω, are defiend implicitly. However, their block diagonal covariance structure can be controlled by an @covariance block. The formula definitions of the @random block also define a fixed effect per term of the formula, thus one should always define the random effects of a PumasEMModel directly in terms of the parameters that exibit variation, rather than of the 0-mean ηs used for calculating parameters in the @pre block in a traditional PumasModel.

@emmodel begin
  @random begin
    CL ~ 1 + logwt | LogNormal   # CL = exp(log(μ_CL) + μ_CL_logwt * logwt + η_CL)
    Vc ~ 1         | LogNormal   # Vc = exp(log(μ_Vc) + η_Vc)
    F  ~ 1         | LogitNormal # F  = 1/(1 + exp(-(logit(μ_F) + η_F)))
    lm ~ 1         | Normal      # lm = μ_lm + η_lm
  @covariance 3,1
  @error begin # PumasEMModels require `@error` blocks
    y ~ ProportionalNormal(CL)

# output

 Parameters with random effects: 
	CL ~ (1, :logwt) | LogNormal
	Vc ~ (1,) | LogNormal
	F ~ (1,) | LogitNormal
	lm ~ (1,) | Normal

The @covariance block specifies that the covariance matrix of the four random effects (the η parameters) has a 3×3 diagonal block, shared by η_CL, η_Vc, and η_F, and a 1×1 block for η_lm. For more discussion, see the PumasEMModel-Domains documentation. Covariates appearing in the @param and @random formulas of a PumasEMModel, e.g. logwt above, do not need to be specified in the @covariates block. If one of these covariates also appears in another model block, then they must still be specified in the @covariates block, even if they appear in a formula. Covariates in a PumasEMModel formula must be constant with respect to time.


Parameter corresponding to 1 in the formulas specify the baseline, and are given in the parameter's natural scale. Coefficients corresponding to covariates are unconstrained. Thus in the above example, CL = exp(log(μ_CL) + μ_CL_logwt * logwt + η_CL), or equivalently, CL = μ_CL * exp(μ_CL_logwt * logwt) * exp(η_CL).


Specify the size of the diagonal blocks in the covariance matrix of the random effects. For example

@covariance 2 1 2

Specifies a block-diagonal covariance matrix with 2×2, 1×1 and 2×2 diagonal blocks. If unspecified, the default is to be fully diagonal, e.g. if there are 5 random effects total, the default is

@covariance 1 1 1 1 1


Syntax and behavior is the same as in a PumasModel. Note that covariates used inside @param and @random do not need to be specified in @covariates.


Same behavior and syntax as in a PumasModel. The pre block is executed before the @dynamics, and the defined variables are available in each.


Initial conditions for the dynamical variables. Same behavior and syntax as in a PumasMmodel.


Specify the dynamical model. Same behavior and syntax as in a PumasMmodel.


Same behavior and syntax as the @pre block, but it is executed after the @dynamics. Because the @error block does not allow evaluating expressions or defining new variables, any variables needed in the @error block and dependent on the @dynamics should be defined in the @post block.

@error: Statistical modeling of observed variables in a PumasEMModel

This is the PumasEMModel equivalent of the @derived block in a PumasModel. The primary differences are that

  1. While the @derived block applies per subject to vectors of observations across time, the @error block is mapped across time points, like the @pre and @post blocks.
  2. The dispersion parameters of the @error block are defiend implicitly by the specified error model.
  3. The @error model does not allow for any post processing; this must be done in the @post block.
@emmodel begin
  @random begin
    CL ~ 1 | LogNormal
    Vc ~ 1 | LogNormal
  @dynamics Central1
  @post begin
    cp = Central/Vc
  @error begin
    dv ~ ProportionalNormal(cp) # dv ~ Normal(cp, abs(cp)*σ)

See the page on PumasEMMOdel-Error models for more information and a table of supported error models.