The NCA Functions
The NCA functions can perform calculations on both NCAPopulation
and NCASubject
. When the input is a NCAPopulation
, then the output is a DataFrame
, and when the input is a NCASubject
, the output is a number.
All functions are accessed from within the NCA submodule. For example, to use auc
on NCAPopulation
, one would use NCA.auc(pop)
NCA Related Keyword Arguments
The following keyword arguments apply to all NCA functions:
takes a tuple of two numbers like(1., 10.)
which will compute the quantity in the time interval, ornothing
which will compute the quantity in the entire time span. Default isnothing
(normalize with respect to dosage) takestrue
. Default isfalse
(types of AUC) takes:inf
. Default is:inf
, or:linlog
. Default is:linear
(predicted) takestrue
. Default isfalse
sets the number for the maximum number of points that can be used forlambdaz
NCA Function List
We will use this example dataset to illustrate the use of the functions below.
julia> df = DataFrame(id = [1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2], time = [0,1,2,3,4,6, 0,1,2,3,4,6,8], amt=[10,0,0,0,0,0,20,0,0,0,0,0,0], sss=[1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0], iii=[4,0,0,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,0,0,0], conc=[missing,8,6,4,2,0.1,missing,2,6,3,2,0.5,0.1], isblq = [0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1], route = ["iv","iv","iv","iv","iv","iv","ev","ev","ev","ev","ev","ev", "ev"])
13×8 DataFrame Row │ id time amt sss iii conc isblq route │ Int64 Int64 Int64 Int64 Int64 Float64? Int64 String ─────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 1 │ 1 0 10 1 4 missing 0 iv 2 │ 1 1 0 0 0 8.0 0 iv 3 │ 1 2 0 0 0 6.0 0 iv 4 │ 1 3 0 0 0 4.0 0 iv 5 │ 1 4 0 0 0 2.0 0 iv 6 │ 1 6 0 0 0 0.1 1 iv 7 │ 2 0 20 1 4 missing 0 ev 8 │ 2 1 0 0 0 2.0 0 ev 9 │ 2 2 0 0 0 6.0 0 ev 10 │ 2 3 0 0 0 3.0 0 ev 11 │ 2 4 0 0 0 2.0 0 ev 12 │ 2 6 0 0 0 0.5 0 ev 13 │ 2 8 0 0 0 0.1 1 ev
To illustrate the use of different functions in varying scenarios, we will use four versions of read_nca
The first is a standard format where we don't use additional options.
julia> df_r1 = read_nca(df, observations = :conc)
NCAPopulation (2 subjects): Number of missing observations: 2 Number of blq observations: 0
In the second format, we let Pumas-NCA know that there is a blq
column. This results in some observations being counted as blq
and some as missing
julia> df_r2 = read_nca(df, observations = :conc, blq = :isblq)
[ Info: Rows with isblq as 1 are removed from the data, for more control over BLQ handling please refer to `concblq` kwarg NCAPopulation (2 subjects): Number of missing observations: 2 Number of blq observations: 2
In the third format, we specify that the dose is steady-state, sss
, and the frequency to be iii
julia> df_r3 = read_nca(df, observations = :conc, ii = :iii, ss = :sss)
NCAPopulation (2 subjects): Number of missing observations: 2 Number of blq observations: 0
Lastly, in addition to specifying the steady-state nature and frequency, we also map the isblq
julia> df_r4 = read_nca(df, observations = :conc, ii = :iii, ss = :sss, blq = :isblq)
[ Info: Rows with isblq as 1 are removed from the data, for more control over BLQ handling please refer to `concblq` kwarg NCAPopulation (2 subjects): Number of missing observations: 2 Number of blq observations: 2
The number of measurements that are above the lower limit of quantification.
When isblq
is not mapped, below is the result:
julia> NCA.n_samples(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id n_samples │ Int64 Int64 ─────┼────────────────── 1 │ 1 5 2 │ 2 6
When isblq
is mapped, below is the result where you see the number of blq
julia> NCA.n_samples(df_r2)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id n_samples │ Int64 Int64 ─────┼────────────────── 1 │ 1 4 2 │ 2 5
When called on only the first subject by indexing into the NCAPopulation
, df_r1[1]
we get a number
julia> NCA.n_samples(df_r1[1])
Provides the route of administration.
julia> NCA.dosetype(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id dosetype │ Int64 String ─────┼───────────────── 1 │ 1 IVBolus 2 │ 2 EV
Provides the dosing interval provided by ii
In the first example as ii
is not passed, we get a value of missing
julia> NCA.tau(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id tau │ Int64 Missing ─────┼──────────────── 1 │ 1 missing 2 │ 2 missing
And below, as we map the iii
column to ii
the tau
is determined.
julia> NCA.tau(df_r3)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id tau │ Int64 Int64 ─────┼────────────── 1 │ 1 4 2 │ 2 4
The amount of dose given to each subject.
julia> NCA.doseamt(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id doseamt │ Int64 Int64 ─────┼──────────────── 1 │ 1 10 2 │ 2 20
Terminal elimination rate constant ($λz$). This is core function of NCA that computes the terminal rate constant. A list of considerations for computing $λz$ are listed below.
- By default, Pumas-NCA uses an iterative best fit regression method to choose the terminal slope that provides the best adjusted r-square ($adjr2factor$) value. The iterative algorithm converges when the change in $adjr2factor$ is 0.0001 or less.
- $λz$ computation requires at least three data points to provides a valid result
- The algorithm tries its best to not use the time at
to compute the $λz$, and if it does, a warning is provided.
Regular users of Pumas-NCA don't usually have to adjust any of the settings for computing the $λz$, as a best decision is made automatically. However, if there is a desire to experiment given the experimental context, certain arguments are provided that are discussed below with specific examples.
julia> NCA.lambdaz(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id lambdaz │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼───────────────── 1 │ 1 1.26795 2 │ 2 0.748933
$adjr2factor$ can be relaxed to to fit a best-fit earlier. Note in the example below, a 100 fold difference in the value results in different results of terminal slope for id=1
julia> NCA.lambdaz(df_r1, adjr2factor=0.1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id lambdaz │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼───────────────── 1 │ 1 0.871274 2 │ 2 0.690867
defines the maximum number of points that can be used to compute the $λz$. Currently, the default is set to 100 points, that satisfies most use cases, but if there is a need to adjust one can do so.
The iterative best-fit regression is bounded to produce a result that satisfies the threshold value, so it is normal to see a lower $r^2$ value
When the thershold
is set to 2 in the example below, Pumas-NCA warns that it cannot compute the $λz$ which requires a minimum of three points.
julia> NCA.lambdaz(df_r1, threshold=2)
[ Info: ID 1 errored: lambdaz calculation needs at least three data points between Cmax and the last positive concentration [ Info: ID 2 errored: lambdaz calculation needs at least three data points between Cmax and the last positive concentration 2×2 DataFrame Row │ id lambdaz │ Int64 Missing ─────┼──────────────── 1 │ 1 missing 2 │ 2 missing
and slopetimes
are both used to manually pick and choose the data points used for terminal slope computations. Values are passed as an array of points, either indices of the time vector for idxs
or the actual times in the case of slopetimes
. If a single array is passed, then the same values are used across the population on every subject.
julia> NCA.lambdaz(df_r1, idxs = [2,3,4])
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id lambdaz │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼───────────────── 1 │ 1 0.549306 2 │ 2 0.549306
julia> NCA.lambdaz(df_r1, slopetimes = [2,3,4])
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id lambdaz │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼───────────────── 1 │ 1 0.549306 2 │ 2 0.549306
If the user has a custom array that identifies specific indices or slopetimes for each individual, they can be passed in as an array of arrays.
The lambdaz
function can also be used outside the context of a NCASubject
or NCAPopulation
where one can pass in a simple observation and time vector. This can be useful to do a quick linear regression or to find a slope for a x-y
julia> NCA.lambdaz(collect(10:-1:1), 1:10)
Coefficient of determination ($r²$) when calculating $λz$. Note that this quantity must be computed after calculating $λz$.
Using the example where the blq
is not mapped, we get the result below.
julia> NCA.lambdaz(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id lambdaz │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼───────────────── 1 │ 1 1.26795 2 │ 2 0.748933
julia> NCA.lambdazr2(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id lambdazr2 │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼────────────────── 1 │ 1 0.975932 2 │ 2 0.998154
And when the blq
is mapped to isblq
, the adjusted r2 changes as the number of data points changes
julia> NCA.lambdaz(df_r2)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id lambdaz │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼───────────────── 1 │ 1 0.549306 2 │ 2 0.610952
julia> NCA.lambdazr2(df_r2)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id lambdazr2 │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼────────────────── 1 │ 1 0.977654 2 │ 2 0.986607
Adjusted coefficient of determination ($adjr²$) when calculating $λz$. Note that this quantity must be computed after calculating $λz$.
julia> NCA.lambdaz(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id lambdaz │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼───────────────── 1 │ 1 1.26795 2 │ 2 0.748933
julia> NCA.lambdazadjr2(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id lambdazadjr2 │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼───────────────────── 1 │ 1 0.951865 2 │ 2 0.996308
Correlation coefficient ($r$) when calculating $λz$. Note that this quantity must be computed after calculating $λz$.
julia> NCA.lambdaz(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id lambdaz │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼───────────────── 1 │ 1 1.26795 2 │ 2 0.748933
julia> NCA.lambdazr(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id lambdazr │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼───────────────── 1 │ 1 0.987893 2 │ 2 0.999077
Number of points that is used in the $λz$ calculation. Note that this quantity must be computed after calculating $λz$.
julia> NCA.lambdaz(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id lambdaz │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼───────────────── 1 │ 1 1.26795 2 │ 2 0.748933
julia> NCA.lambdaznpoints(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id lambdaznpoints │ Int64 Int64 ─────┼─────────────────────── 1 │ 1 3 2 │ 2 3
-intercept in the log-linear scale when calculating $λz$. Note that this quantity must be computed after calculating $λz$.
julia> NCA.lambdaz(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id lambdaz │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼───────────────── 1 │ 1 1.26795 2 │ 2 0.748933
julia> NCA.lambdazintercept(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id lambdazintercept │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼───────────────────────── 1 │ 1 5.42005 2 │ 2 3.72607
The first time point that is used in the $λz$ calculation. Note that this quantity must be computed after calculating $λz$.
julia> NCA.lambdaz(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id lambdaz │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼───────────────── 1 │ 1 1.26795 2 │ 2 0.748933
julia> NCA.lambdaztimefirst(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id lambdaztimefirst │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼───────────────────────── 1 │ 1 3.0 2 │ 2 4.0
The last time point that is used in the $λz$ calculation. Note that this quantity must be computed after calculating $λz$.
julia> NCA.lambdaz(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id lambdaz │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼───────────────── 1 │ 1 1.26795 2 │ 2 0.748933
julia> NCA.lambdaztimelast(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id lambdaztimelast │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼──────────────────────── 1 │ 1 6.0 2 │ 2 8.0
julia> NCA.thalf(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id thalf │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼───────────────── 1 │ 1 0.546669 2 │ 2 0.925513
Similar to the lambdaz
computation, thalf
can also be used on a arbitrary vector of observation and time. For example:
julia> NCA.thalf(collect(10:-1:1), 1:10, digits=3)
(lambdaztimelast(subj; kwargs...) - lambdaztimefirst(subj) / thalf(subj)
. Note that this quantity must be computed after calculating $λz$.
julia> NCA.lambdaz(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id lambdaz │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼───────────────── 1 │ 1 1.26795 2 │ 2 0.748933
julia> NCA.span(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id span │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼──────────────── 1 │ 1 5.48778 2 │ 2 4.32193
tmax(subj; interval=nothing)
Time of maximum concentration.
In the example below, notice how for the subject with iv
, i.e, id = 1, the tmax
is computed to 0
. This is because, C0
is back-extrapolated from the observation vector whose value now represents the cmax
. Hence, tmax
is 0
julia> NCA.tmax(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id tmax │ Int64 Int64 ─────┼────────────── 1 │ 1 0 2 │ 2 2
In the event that a user wants to compute the time of maximum observation in a specific interval, they can do so by setting the interval
argument to a tuple.
julia> NCA.tmax(df_r1, interval = (2,4))
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id tmax │ Int64 Int64 ─────┼────────────── 1 │ 1 2 2 │ 2 2
The tmax
function also works on vector of observations and time. For example:
julia> NCA.tmax(collect(10:-1:1), 0:9)
cmax(subj; interval=nothing, normalize=false)
Computes the maximum concentration.
In the example below we see the difference in the cmax
results across the four datasets.
- For
for id = 1 is the back-extrapolated value using the regression, even though that value does not exist in the original dataset. On the other hand for id = 2, thecmax
is observed maximum concentration in the dataset. Note that presence ofblq
did not impact the result. - For
, where we mappedii
, the computedcmax
is derived as follows:cmax/accumulationindex
- For
, in addition to mapping theii
, theblq
values are also specified. The computation ofcmax
is identical to the earlier case, however, in this case, since the number of data points is different because ofblq
values, the accumulation index is different.
julia> vcat( map(x -> NCA.cmax(x), [df_r1, df_r2, df_r3, df_r4])..., source=:data =>"df_r".*string.(1:4) )
8×3 DataFrame Row │ id cmax data │ Int64 Float64 String ─────┼───────────────────────── 1 │ 1 10.6667 df_r1 2 │ 2 6.0 df_r1 3 │ 1 10.6667 df_r2 4 │ 2 6.0 df_r2 5 │ 1 10.5998 df_r3 6 │ 2 5.7 df_r3 7 │ 1 9.48148 df_r4 8 │ 2 5.47902 df_r4
The next example covers the computation of cmax
in an interval
julia> NCA.cmax(df_r1, interval=(3,6))
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id cmax3_6 │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼──────────────── 1 │ 1 4.0 2 │ 2 3.0
can also be computed using an arbitrary array of observations and time series
julia> NCA.cmax(collect(10:-1:1), 1:10)
The last example shows the use of the normalize
argument that normalizes the derived cmax
by the dose value. Compare to the first example in the cmax
series. The results below are essentially dose normalized cmax
of the results presented above.
julia> vcat( map(x -> NCA.cmax(x, normalize=true), [df_r1, df_r2, df_r3, df_r4])..., source=:data =>"df_r".*string.(1:4) )
8×3 DataFrame Row │ id cmax data │ Int64 Float64 String ─────┼───────────────────────── 1 │ 1 1.06667 df_r1 2 │ 2 0.3 df_r1 3 │ 1 1.06667 df_r2 4 │ 2 0.3 df_r2 5 │ 1 1.05998 df_r3 6 │ 2 0.285 df_r3 7 │ 1 0.948148 df_r4 8 │ 2 0.273951 df_r4
cmaxss(subj; normalize=false)
Steady-state maximum concentration. If the dose is a steady-state dose specified by ss = 1
, then the observed cmax
is cmaxss
In the example below, iv
has the back-extrapolated cmax
and ev
has the observed cmax
julia> vcat( map(x -> NCA.cmaxss(x), [df_r1, df_r2, df_r3, df_r4])..., source=:data =>"df_r".*string.(1:4) )
8×3 DataFrame Row │ id cmaxss data │ Int64 Float64 String ─────┼──────────────────────── 1 │ 1 10.6667 df_r1 2 │ 2 6.0 df_r1 3 │ 1 10.6667 df_r2 4 │ 2 6.0 df_r2 5 │ 1 10.6667 df_r3 6 │ 2 6.0 df_r3 7 │ 1 10.6667 df_r4 8 │ 2 6.0 df_r4
Time of minimal concentration after a dose.
In the example below, we can notice the difference in the time of minimum concentration when ss = 1
value towards the end fo the dosing interval. In all other cases where ss
is not specified, the time at lowest observed concentration is chosen.
julia> vcat( map(x -> NCA.tmin(x), [df_r1, df_r2, df_r3, df_r4])..., source=:data =>"df_r".*string.(1:4))
8×3 DataFrame Row │ id tmin data │ Int64 Int64 String ─────┼────────────────────── 1 │ 1 6 df_r1 2 │ 2 0 df_r1 3 │ 1 4 df_r2 4 │ 2 0 df_r2 5 │ 1 6 df_r3 6 │ 2 8 df_r3 7 │ 1 4 df_r4 8 │ 2 6 df_r4
cmin(subj; normalize=false)
Minimum concentration in a dosing interval.
In the example below, for df_r1
and df_r2
, the observed minimum concentrations are reported back. On the other hand, for df_r3
and df_r4
, the observed minimum concentration are scaled by the accumulationindex
as ss = 1
julia> vcat( map(x -> NCA.cmin(x), [df_r1, df_r2, df_r3, df_r4])..., source=:data =>"df_r".*string.(1:4))
8×3 DataFrame Row │ id cmin data │ Int64 Float64? String ─────┼──────────────────────────────── 1 │ 1 0.1 df_r1 2 │ 2 missing df_r1 3 │ 1 2.0 df_r2 4 │ 2 missing df_r2 5 │ 1 0.0993729 df_r3 6 │ 2 0.095 df_r3 7 │ 1 1.77778 df_r4 8 │ 2 0.456585 df_r4
We can also output he dose normalized values as shown in the example below,
julia> NCA.cmin(df_r1, normalize=true)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id cmin │ Int64 Float64? ─────┼────────────────── 1 │ 1 0.1 2 │ 2 missing
cminss(subj; normalize=false)
Steady-state minimum concentration.
In the example below, the first two cases are not impacted, but where ss=1
,the observed minimum concentration are the cminss
as the dose is a steady-state dose.
julia> vcat( map(x -> NCA.cminss(x), [df_r1, df_r2, df_r3, df_r4])..., source=:data =>"df_r".*string.(1:4))
8×3 DataFrame Row │ id cminss data │ Int64 Float64? String ─────┼────────────────────────── 1 │ 1 0.1 df_r1 2 │ 2 missing df_r1 3 │ 1 2.0 df_r2 4 │ 2 missing df_r2 5 │ 1 0.1 df_r3 6 │ 2 0.1 df_r3 7 │ 1 2.0 df_r4 8 │ 2 0.5 df_r4
ctau(nca::NCASubject; method=:linear)
Concentration at the end of dosing interval.
Notice in the examples below, that ctau
is only computed when ii
or ss
is specified. Further, in both df_r3 and df_r4
, the ii=4
, and the last observed concentration is beyond 4, yet the function does the right thing in picking up the concentration at the end of the dosing interval tau
julia> vcat( map(x -> NCA.ctau(x), [df_r1, df_r2, df_r3, df_r4])..., source=:data =>"df_r".*string.(1:4))
8×3 DataFrame Row │ id ctau data │ Int64 Float64? String ─────┼────────────────────────── 1 │ 1 missing df_r1 2 │ 2 missing df_r1 3 │ 1 missing df_r2 4 │ 2 missing df_r2 5 │ 1 2.0 df_r3 6 │ 2 2.0 df_r3 7 │ 1 2.0 df_r4 8 │ 2 2.0 df_r4
Average concentration over a dosing interval.
As expected, in the examples below, the cavgss
is only computed in the cases where ii
or ss
is specified.
julia> vcat( map(x -> NCA.cavgss(x), [df_r1, df_r2, df_r3, df_r4])..., source=:data =>"df_r".*string.(1:4))
8×3 DataFrame Row │ id cavgss data │ Int64 Float64? String ─────┼────────────────────────────── 1 │ 1 missing df_r1 2 │ 2 missing df_r1 3 │ 1 missing df_r2 4 │ 2 missing df_r2 5 │ 1 6.08333 df_r3 6 │ 2 3.25 df_r3 7 │ 1 6.08333 df_r4 8 │ 2 3.25 df_r4
Estimate the concentration at dosing time for an IV bolus dose.
Note in the example below that this value is only computed for iv
julia> NCA.c0(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id c0 │ Int64 Float64? ─────┼───────────────────── 1 │ 1 10.6667 2 │ 2 missing
Time of last measurable concentration after a dose.
julia> NCA.tlast(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id tlast │ Int64 Int64 ─────┼────────────── 1 │ 1 6 2 │ 2 8
clast(subj; pred=false)
Concentration corresponding to tlast
julia> NCA.clast(df_r1)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id clast │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼──────────────── 1 │ 1 0.1 2 │ 2 0.1
Time prior to the first increase in concentration. Mostly relevant for ev
julia> NCA.tlag(df_r2)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id tlag │ Int64 Int64? ─────┼──────────────── 1 │ 1 missing 2 │ 2 0
The area under the curve (AUC
). This is one of the most important parameters. There are many key important options that can be tailored in the auc
function. The defaults are listed in the function signature, but the possible options are listed below:
method = [:linear, :linuplogdown, :linlog]
auctype = [:inf, :last]
normalize = [false, true]
pred = [false, true]
In addition, the interval
can be set to a tuple that specified the range in the units of time. e.g. interval =(0,2)
. If users had passed in timeu
into read_nca
, then the tuple should be multiplied by the timeu
. e.g.
NCA.auc(df1_r, interval = (0,2)) # when no time units passed to `read_nca`
NCA.auc(df1_r, interval = (0,2) .* timeu) # when no time units passed to `read_nca`
The code below produces the AUC
for all possible scenarios of the auc
signature. For brevity, the output is suppressed, but user should be able to run this locally and see all the necessary output.
pops = [df_r1, df_r2, df_r3, df_r4]
methods = [:linear, :linuplogdown,:linlog]
auctypes = [:inf, :last]
normalizes = [false, true]
preds = [false, true]
itrs = Iterators.product(eachindex(pops), methods,auctypes, normalizes, preds)
res = map(itrs) do (popsi, methodsi,auctypesi, normalizesi, predsi)
res = NCA.auc(pops[popsi],
res[!, :data] .= "df_r" * string(popsi)
res[!,:auctype] .= auctypesi
res[!,:method] .= methodsi
res[!,:normalize] .= normalizesi
res[!,:pred] .= predsi
aucres = sort(reduce(vcat, res), [:data, :id, :auctype, :method, :normalize, :pred])
in the dosing interval. This primarily uses the information regarding multiple doses available via ii
or if it is a plain multiple dose. This is nothing but an alias for NCA.auc(subj; auctype = :last, interval = (0, NCA.tau(subj))
We can confirm by comparing the result of auctau
julia> NCA.auctau(df_r3)
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id auctau │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼──────────────── 1 │ 1 24.3333 2 │ 2 13.0
to the result of auc(.., interval(0, NCA.tau(subj)))
julia> NCA.auc(df_r3, auctype=:last, interval=(0,4))
2×2 DataFrame Row │ id auc0_4 │ Int64 Float64 ─────┼──────────────── 1 │ 1 24.3333 2 │ 2 13.0
The area under the first moment of the concentration (AUMC).
The AUMC in the dosing interval.
vz(subj; pred=false)
Volume of distribution during the terminal phase.
cl(subj; pred=false)
Total drug clearance.
vss(subj; pred=false)
Apparent volume of distribution at equilibrium for IV bolus doses.
fluctuation(nca; usetau=false)
Peak trough fluctuation over one dosing interval at steady state. It is
$100*(C_{maxss} - C_{minss})/C_{avgss}$ for (usetau=false
$100*(C_{maxss} - C_{tau})/C_{avgss}$ for (usetau=true
Theoretical accumulation ratio.
auc_extrap_percent(subj; pred=false)
The percentage of AUC infinity due to extrapolation from tlast
auc_back_extrap_percent(subj; pred=false)
The percentage of AUC infinity due to back extrapolation of c0
aumc_extrap_percent(subj; pred=false)
The percentage of AUMC infinity due to extrapolation from tlast
aumc_back_extrap_percent(subj; pred=false)
The percentage of AUMC infinity due to back extrapolation of c0
mrt(subj; auctype=:inf)
Mean residence time from the time of dosing to the time of the last measurable concentration.
swing(subj; usetau=false)
Swing. $swing = (C_{maxss}-C_{minss})/C_{minss}$ for (usetau=false
$swing = (C_{maxss}-C_{tau})/C_{tau}$ for (usetau=true
NCA Function List for Urine Analysis
For urine analysis the functions are:
The number of measurements that is above the lower limit of quantification.
Provides the route of administration.
The amount of dose given to each subject.
Collected urine volume.
Terminal elimination rate constant ($λz$).
Coefficient of determination ($r²$) when calculating $λz$. Note that this quantity must be computed after calculating $λz$.
Adjusted coefficient of determination ($adjr²$) when calculating $λz$. Note that this quantity must be computed after calculating $λz$.
Correlation coefficient ($r$) when calculating $λz$. Note that this quantity must be computed after calculating $λz$.
Number of points that is used in the $λz$ calculation. Note that this quantity must be computed after calculating $λz$.
-intercept in the log-linear scale when calculating $λz$. Note that this quantity must be computed after calculating $λz$.
The first time point that is used in the $λz$ calculation. Note that this quantity must be computed after calculating $λz$.
The last time point that is used in the $λz$ calculation. Note that this quantity must be computed after calculating $λz$.
Half life.
(lambdaztimelast(subj; kwargs...) - lambdaztimefirst(subj) / thalf(subj)
. Note that this quantity must be computed after calculating $λz$.
Time prior to the first increase in concentration.
Midpoint of collection interval associated with the maximum observed excretion rate.
Maximum observed excretion rate.
rate_last(subj; pred=false)
Last measurable rate.
Midpoint of collection interval associated with rate_last
Cumulative amount eliminated.
The area under the urinary excretion rate curve (AURC).
aurc_extrap_percent(subj; pred=false)
The percentage of AURC infinity due to extrapolation from tlast